Industry giants supporting local Hospice in 2018! The Wednesdbury branch of MSC Industrial Direct…
Year: 2017
No-card zone!
No-card zone! Once again, Mary Stevens Hospice are asking businesses to break with tradition…
Hospice staff named Learning Disability Champions
Learning Disability Champions to make end-of-life care more accessible Two members of staff at…
Hospice fundraisers appealing for donations for upcoming event!
Charity’s urgent appeal for donations due to popularity of new event Fundraisers at the…
Online book of remembrance
Online book of remembrance Family members and loved ones have asked us to include…
Shop to support us!
Shop to help Hospice families! Sounds like the dream does it not? If you…
Lord Cobham helps raise more than £5000!
Lord Cobham helps raise more than £5,000 for our families! £5,000. Can you imagine…
Meet our marathon runners!
Our marathon runners! As many of you will no doubt have heard, a full…
3 in 5 people don’t realise Hospice care is free
Only three in five Britons know hospice care is free, new survey shows Only three…
Taxis for the Neon Night Run
Neon Night Run Taxis We know that a couple of you might be in…