Thelma’s fundraising started with her selling homegrown plants from her driveway with a little help from her friends, family and neighbours. Throughout the summer Thelma has already raised over £2,500 for the Hospice.
We recently had the pleasure of meeting this green-fingered super woman at the Hospice where Thelma even gave some of our nurses some gardening tips whilst we showed Thelma photographs of where our supporters have placed their plants in the garden.
These plants go up for sale on our Facebook page on a first come, first serve basis. Sometimes we give a little warning and sometimes we will quietly post them and watch them all sell very quickly.
The quality of the plants that Thelma donates to us speaks volumes about the care and time she puts in to growing the gorgeous variety of plants. We are proud to work alongside Thelma in sharing these plants with our supporters.
We would like to thank Thelma and Kevin for their hard work in making sure these fabulous plants are brought to us in excellent condition, you both work so hard to raise funds for Mary Stevens Hospice. It is innovative ways of fundraising like this that really make us say ‘WOW’!
If you would like to be notified of when a selection of plants next go on sale, do make sure you have ‘liked’ us on Facebook!