The Online Book of Remembrance 2020

It is our pleasure to publish our online Book of Remembrance 2020.

The Online Book of Remembrance 2020

Thank you for your support of the Tree of Light this year. The Tree holds a special place in our hearts at the Hospice. This time of year, when we remember loved ones is always poignant but this year amidst the pandemic it feels more so. Although we were unable to come together to hold our usual ceremonies there is a video on our Beacon of Hope YouTube channel that guides you through a time of reflection.

I hope that your light on the tree brings you hope, comfort and peace.

With my best wishes

Claire Towns, CEO

Remembered By:In Memory Of:
MrsMargaretAbbottsHelen Kelly
Paul Kelly
Jean Kelly
Judith Abbotts
Eric Abbotts
MrAnthonyAbrahamsBill Downing
Hilda Downing
MrPeterAdamsS M Adams
I E Read
MrsBAdkinsGordon Adkins
MrsVAllenGlynne Allen
Elsie May Hawthorn
MrsMargaretAshbridgeGeoff Ashbridge
Alice & Bill Gilson
MsGillianAshleyPhilip Ashley
MsJayneAshmanArthur Nicklin
Alan Ashman
MrsPamelaBaggottPeter Baggott
MissPBagleyMarian & Frank Bagley
MrsSueBakerJean Steele
MrsWBakerJohn Baker
MsClareBakerRachael Burton
MrsKBalkhamSylvia Dymond
Ronald Dymond
May Unit
Hilda Homer
Lawson Homer
Barbara Reece
Violet Balkham
David Balkham
MrsJeanBanberyJim Banbery
Jean Crosby
Roy Barnbrook
MrsSandraBarnbrookStuart Pearson
MrsDBarrasBernard Davies
MrsSBasfordWilliam Wilcox
Ann Wilcox
Roy Wilcox
Thomas Basford
MrPBateSarah Maureen (Sally) Bate
MrsLynneBateMargaret Hill
MrsJBaylissAlan Bayliss
Jack Bayliss
Hazel Bayliss
MrsI JBeardBill
MrsJanetBeeversAlec Beevers
Dorothy Naldrett
Mr and MrsMBennettBetty & Sam Brown
Hilda & Herbert Bennett
MissJackieBennettJohn & Betty Bennett
MrGeoffBethelLesley Barbara Bethel
MrsHelenBirchDes & Florence Allen
Alf Darby
John Gennard
MsDBirchJoan Adams
John William Birch
MrBrianBlakemoreJohn Blakemore
Olive Blakemore
Dennis Brooke
Betty Brooke
MrsSusanBletcherFrancis Victor Cox
Joyce Mary Cox
Liam Michael Bletcher
MrsPaulineBloomerJohn Bloomer
Dolly Darby
MrsMaureenBlundellElsie Moore
Fred Moore
Emma Sheppard
William Sheppard
Jean Price
MrsSusanBodleyDavid Hobday
Dorothy Harris
Jack Harris
Ceri Lewis
MissSusanBomberDoreen Mary Jones
Kenneth Frederick Jones
Lynne Bramich
MrPhilBottomleyLynne Bottomley
MrMichaelBowenLynda Bowen
MsDianeBradburyShaun Morris
MrEricBradleyBrenda Mary Bradley
MrsMBradleyRay & Jean Bradley
MrsSheilaBradleySam Bradley
MrsMargaretBradshawJohn Bradshaw
MrsSBreedenJoan & Ron Hale
MrR ABrittainOlive & William Brittain
MrsPBrookesEric Brookes
MrsSarahBroughCyril Taylor
Ethel Brough
Peter Ellis
Wendy Nash
Masie Taylor
MrsWendyBroughCarl Keith Brough
Sheila Ann Wood
Robert John Wood
MrsLorraineBrownColin Brown
MsKellyBrownKathleen Brown
MrsCBrummellArthur Brummell
MrRobin WBryanPearl Evette Bryan
MissJenniferBullVenetia Anderzen
MsAliciaBurnsMark Burns
MrsDianeButlerOlwyn Wiseman
MrsBettyBywaterLes Bywater
Eric Smith
Doris Bywater
Irene Warner
Joan Bentley
Valarie Davis
MrsAnnCairnsDoreen Cox
Horace Richard Cox
MrMartinCalderJane Calder
Bill Calder
Margaret Sheppard
Bill Sheppard
MrsJayneCartwrightBarbara Joan Guest
MrsJenniferCartwrightNorman Allan Cartwright
Enid Williams
MsJCartwrightBrian Taylor
MrsPCashmoreHarry Cashmore
MrMatthewChamberlainKeith Hill
MrPaulChildsReg Childs
Phil Amos
MsPearl VChurchillSydney Churchill
MrsKarenChurchmanJoyce Spittle
Michael Spittle
Susan While
Violet Bunce
Doreen Fisher
Kenneth Bunce
MrsCarolineClarkeLaurence Clarke
MrsPaulineClaytonGladys Basterfield
Reg Basterfield
MrsMarieCleeRosemary Shaw
MrS JClemsonArthur Clemson
Grace Clemson
Carmine Di Prizio
Pasqualina Di Prizio
Dorothy Horsfall
Peter Dorr
MrsLClewesNorman & Dorothy Oakley
MrsCColbourneStanley Pettitt
Vivienne Pettitt
MrsWendyColeHorace B Davenport
Clarice V Davenport
Trevor M Davenport
MsGillianCollumbellPhyllis Collumbell
MrsKirstyConcannonLinda Concannon
John Murphy
Harry & June Bentley
MrAllenCookPat Cook
MrsMurielCoombesBrian William Coombes
MrsBarbaraCopeDouglas Cope
MrsSueCoussensTerry Reynolds
MrsAnnCutlerJamie Alan Cutler
MrsJenniferDaintyCissie Oakley
John Oakley
Heather Dainty
Florence Ethel Green
MrsHazelDanksJack Danks
Emily Shaw
Pheobe Davies
MrGeraldDarbySheila Mary Darby
MrsE MDarbyArthur & Doris Porter
MrsNDaviesJanet Muriel Davies
MrsP JDaviesMichael Davies
Evelyn Davies
Marjorie Davies
MrsPamelaDaviesJim Davies
MrsMargaretDavisMichael Davis
MrsMarionDawsonSandra Jones
Catherine Willis
MsCarolineDelaneyJoan Gill
Joan Hawker
MrsJillDerbyshireJohn Derbyshire
MrsJoanneDimmockIrene ‘Bett’ Wilson
Irene & Keith Dimmock
MrsPatriciaDodsonTony Dodson
MrsCaroleDownwardMarten Ray Downward
MsCatherineDoyleKathleen Woodward
MrADringChristine Dring (Haynes)
MrBrianDudleyFrancis Dudley
Margaret Amy Dudley
MrsPamelaDudleyJohn Alexander Gillies
Ivy Winifred Gillies
MrsSueDuffyMike Sturgess
Eugene Duffy
MissSDunnAnn Dunn
MrsChristinaDunnDavid Dunn
Dennis Hartle
Michael Wardle
Thomas Aitchison
MrsHazelDunnPaul Dunn
MrsSheilaDunthorneLoved Ones
MrJonathanDykePaul Dyke
Sarah Louise Foster
MsDianneEadesDavid Hickman
MrFrederickEcclestonFamily & Friends
MrsEileenEckersleyBill Eckersley
Tony Franks
MsLouiseEdmondsHelen Fletcher
MissCEdwardsLucy Edwards
Alan Edwards
Janet Hollies
MsGemmaEvansElaine Evans
Michael Evans
MissJoanEvansElsie Evans
Godfrey Evans
MrAEvansDiana Myra Waldron
MrsJulieEvansDorothy Trimbee
Colin Trimbee
Frederic Trimbee
MrsLynnEvansMabel & Glenn Oliver
MrsSusanEvansThomas Keith Evans
MrsSallyFaceyIris Western
MrsKFennKathleen & David Moseley
MrsKateFernandezStanley Graveney Fernandez
Meriel Jean Fernandez
Victor Fernandez
Lawrenzina Fernandez
John Wheatley
John Smale
MrsPFinchColin Finch
George & Marjorie McKenna
MrsDoraFlemingNorman Fleming
MrsSusanFlorendineRonald Hill
Joyce Hill
Michael Hill
MrsJ HFojanAlex Fojan
MrsJoanFordJulie Hodrien nee Ford
Lilian M Doherty
William Doherty
Emily Cooper
MrCFosterGraham Anthony Foster
MrsJulieFoxMom & Dad (Hadley)
Mom (Fox)
MrsSandraFoxallEric Cooksey
Amy Cooksey
Laurence Clarke
MrsBarbaraFrenchJack Walker
Norah Walker
Nancy Watson
MrsYFriendKeith Godwin Perks
Olive Perks
Henry Perks
MrsAGaddMike Gadd
MrsJGarbettLily Southall
Frederick Southall
MrsAnneGarthPauline Lewis
MrsLindaGennerIan Genner
Mary Bate
Des Bate
Barbara Genner
Garnet Genner
MrsJillGibbonAlan Gibbon
Sue Sanders
Peter Sanders
MrsKGibsonKen Gibson
MrsJackieGieringMichelle Dorman
MrsElaine CGillJoan Gill
Joan Hawker
MrsMadgeGillEric James Gill
Robert James Gill
Edward Gill
Edith Gill
Raymond Field
MsMariaGoodwinHelen Goodwin
MrsBerylGordonRon Gordon
Kevin Cox
MsMichelleGordonLillian Gordon
MrsJune IGouldMom & Dad Hubbard
Mom & Dad Gould
Special Aunts & Friends & Sisters
MissPamela EGreenPhyllis O Green
Cedric T Green
MrsPGreenAnthony Green
MrCGreggVera Taylor
Albert Taylor
Horace Gregg
MrsLindaHaddowDorothy Walker
Lillian Gordon
MrsJenniferHadleyNigel Anthony Hadley
George Wallader
MsRebeccaHadleyJoyce Hadley
MrsJHaganJack Lavender
Mary Lavender
John Lavender
MrsJulieHaleBrenda Hough
Arthur Hough
MrsDianeHamiltonDavid Hamilton
Olive & Louis Harrison
Dennis Burke
Carl Harrison
Dion Walton
Ernie & Josie Grabouski
Alfie Bowen
MrsJanetHanbyLeonard Hanby
MrsHilaryHancoxMay Irene Ladd
Harry Ladd
Mr & MrsAHarbachRalph & Daisy Billingham
MissPHarrisMillie Harris
Ben Harris
Kate Harris
MrR MHarrisAnn Harris
MrsJHarrisPhillip Harris
Debbie Harris
MrsLHarrisArthur Pearson
MrJohn FHarroldIvan & Hilda Harrold
MrsAHartGeorge Hart
Mom & Dad Brown
MrsAudreyHattonSarah Louise Hatton
MrsLouiseHaydonHazel Dean
Mrs LouiseHeadGladys & Ron Evans
Liz Willetts
DrJaneHeathcockAntony Brown
Margaret Johns
Rosie Dennehy
MrsKathHemmingMary Patria Lawley
MrSimonHenwoodKeith Gordon Henwood
MrsAudreeHenwoodKeith Gordon Henwood
MrGHillRon Jones
Teresa Jones
MrsJeanHillJohn Henry Hill
MrsPetrinaHillCharlotte Hill
MrMalcolmHindleEdith ‘Jean’ Hindle
MrsJHingleyTony Martin
MrsValHitchmanIsabella Rudge
Charles Rudge
Stanley Rudge
MrPaulHolbeachMary Holbeach
Bryan Sedgley
Molly-Ann Smith
MissAnnHolbeachBert Sedgley
Elsie May Sedgley
Mervyn Ward
MissTeresaHollowayHandel Holloway
MrsMargaretHolyoakStan & Beatrice Grainger
MrsNHomerGeoffrey Willetts
MissM GHoughtonPercy Houghton
Joan Houghton
MsLindaHowellOlive Parkes
Charles Parkes
MsClaireHudsonBrian Thomas Chambers
MrPaulHughesRaymond Hughes
Shirley Hughes
MrsChristine AHughesMaurice John Hughes
MrsJHumphriesDavid Humphries
John Bradbury
Les Bradbury
Joan Simmonds
Derek Simmonds
MrsRoslyneIgnjatovicBetty & Jack MacDonald
MrsMJacksonBrenda Jean Darby
MrsLJamesJamie Cutler
Ann Matthews
MissPatriciaJaunceyDavid Jauncey
May Jauncey
John Jauncey
MrsValerieJewkesPeter L. Jewkes
Graham Hood
MrPeterJohnGwyn & Peggy John
MrGJohnsonJean Johnson
John Johnson
MrPaulJohnsonJean Johnson
John Johnson
MrsNormaJohnsonLinda King
MrsVictoriaJohnsonArthur Walton
MrVJonesJennifer Jones
MrsClareJonesMavis McGill
MrsEdithJonesDavid Jones
MrsMarjorieJonesFrank Haden
Glyn Jones
Iain Wigney
MrsSheilaJonesNorman Alderson
MsJanetJonesRonald McGilvray
Eileen McGilvray
David McGilvray
MrsCJukesIan Jukes
Carol & Raymond Lunn
Jean & Wilfred Lunn
Harold & Edna Jukes
Nancy & Ted Clark
Jane Jukes
Christine Vizor
MrWKinseySusan Kinsey
MrAllanKnowlesJean Knowles
MrRoyLabanBill Laban
Nancy Laban
MrsMarilynLambMartin Lamb
MrsIreneLaytonSeth & Sarah James
Kenneth Layton
Robert James Gill
Edward Roy James
Eric Stanley James
Betty Gibson
MrMichaelLeashorneWilliam & Nancy Leashorne
David & Dolly Millward
MrsThelmaLewisColin Lewis
MrWilliamLeysonAnne Shirley Layson
MrGeorgeLittleSylvia Little
Beatrice Little
Alexander Little
Arthur Little
Trevor Little
Leah Cartwright
John Cartwright
MrsGLlewellynWilliam Bloomer
Gareth Llewellyn
Keith While
MrsJoanLloydLaura & Walter Foley
Milly, Jack & Allan Foley
Family & Friends
MrsJudithLloydRoland & Mary Stockley
MrsVLloyd-DaviesEifion Lloyd-Davies
MrsKathleenLockeGraham Locke
MrsGaynorLongmoreGaynor & Ray Bate
MrsRuthLongvilleMaggie Bayliss
Eve Longville
The Middleton Family
MrsDianneMalpassDebra Ann Malpass
Marian & George Smith
MrsEileenManningSheila Darby
MrsPatMansellMalcolm Blake Mansell
Mrs SheilaMarshallGeoffrey Cowan
Mirian Cowan
George Partridge
MrsGayeMattocksNeil Mattocks
MrsSMayJoseph Tindall
MsTraceyMayTony John William Moore
MrsJanetMcConvilleEdith & Jack Cook
MrsSueMcDowallFamily & Friends
MrsJacquelineMcLynnJoseph Edge
Nan  & Grandad Hill
Frank Hill
Irene Hill
MrsStephanieMeliaSamantha Anna Poole
MrsIrene MMeredithGeoff Meredith
Gwendoline Halford
Gertrude Meredith
MsA MMilfordGeraldine Milford
MrsFredaMitchellDavid John Mitchell
MsToniMobberleyTony Clarke
Mr & MrsRNealDoris & Arthur Rogers
MrsPatNealBill Jones
Ethel Jones
Bob Jones
MsLyndaNessPeggy & Alf Haden
MrsJanetNightingaleJames (Jim) Nightingale
MsJessicaNokeRay Philpotts
MrsP ANorthwoodJamie Northwood
MrsHeatherOakesMalcolm & Ann Smallman
MrsLindaOakleyMatilda & Eric Florendine
Nora & Sam Oakley
Joanne Palmer
Michael Oakley
MrsRitaOrgillKen Orgill MBE
MrBernardOrmeBetty Millman
MrsLOwenBarbara Taylor
Peter Taylor
Millie Marsh
MrsSusanOwenVera Elsie Cox
MrsAntoniaPanterDebbie Holder
MrsIParhamTom Parham
MrsJillParkerJoyce Irene Powell
Nee Skelding
MrsCarysParryEvelyn Parry
Wyn Parry
MrsJulieParsonsLauren Victoria Parsons
MrWilliamPayneOlwen Payne
MrsJaynePayneJean Johnson
MrAPeacockHarold Peacock
Clara Peacock
Terry Peacock
MrsG MPearsallBernard Pearsall
MrsM FPerksEthel Boulton
Bill Boulton
Clive Perks
Oscar Jones
Anne Mountford
John Kimberley
MissAngelaPhilpottAlbert Charles Philpott
MrGlennPickenPicken family
Jones family
Phillips family
Potter family
MrMikePlattCharles & Irene Platt
MissS CPrescottPauline Prescott
Bert Prescott
MissLesleyPriceMary & Colin Price
Verna Swires
MrsGillian PPritchardDoris May Cox
Arthur William Cox
Doris Pauline Clayton
Nellie Irene Pritchard
MrsSPritchardSusan Hughes
MrsVivienPritchardLesley Lacey
MrsBrendaProctorDavid John Proctor
MsRachelPughChris Pugh
DrKayeRadfordHarvey William Radford
Dorothy & Bert Radford
Marjorie Fullelove
Ron Fullelove
Daryl Grove
MrsPatriciaRanshawPhilip Neil Ranshaw
Mr & MrsSRaybouldDavid John Raybould
Jerry Westwood
Helen Westwood
MrTerenceRaybouldAnn Raybould
MsBerylRaynerAngela Dixon
MrTrevorReeceDoris Chiaro
MrsLRichardsJane Jukes
MsChristineRichardsKathleen Enright
Jeremiah Enright
Max Evans
Winnifred McHale
James McHale
MrsJudithRigbyVera & Kenneth Rigby
Eileen & Patrick Beeson
MrsJayneRodenJean Perks
Jack Perks
MrsPaulineRollasonRobert Rollason
MrsCarolRoperRobert Bailey
Joan Bailey
MrJohnRoundJanet High
MrsJRoundLeslie Billingham
Marie Billingham
MrsWendyRussellGeorge & Dorothy Corbett
MrsJenniferRussellKelvin Russell
Jim Lovell
MrsAngelaSalterJanet Sylvia Bayliss
MrsESandyGeorge Sandy
Frances Sandy
MrDennisSaundersStuart Pearson
MrsH RSchipperIan Robert Schipper
MrsEvelynSchneiderMax Schneider
MissCynthiaScottRay Scott
Gladys Scott
MrsElaineScott-DowAnnie Hincks
Leslie Hincks
Edith Harris
Clifford Jones
MrDShakespeareJarrod Paul Shakespeare
MrsJ MShayleW T G Shayle
MrsTrudySimpsonOlwen Payne
MrsJSkeldingMervyn Appleby
Rita Astley
Roy Skelding
MsGeorgiaSkittBrian Timmis
MsLisaSlimmVern Wood
Ethel Wood
Marj Astley
MissKathrynSmithMichael Cuneen
MrP DSmithGeoffrey W Willetts
MrPaulSmithShirley Smith
MrsAnnSmithAndrew Ernest Smith
MrsAnnetteSmithRod Smith
MrsAudreySmithJohn S Smith
MrsElaineSmithRoger Kenneth Smith
MrsISmithTabitha Ogden
MrsJSmithJohn F G Smith
MsAndreaSmithCarol Hanney
MsDoreenSmithColin Smith
MsLynnSmithJean Johnson
John Johnson
MsVictoriaSmithNik King
William Steel
MrsVickiSoutterKen Edwards
Ron Soutter
Kitty McKillan
Rita Guise
MrsRosalieSpencerMartin Charles Spencer
MrPaulStanfordErnie Dunn
Martha Dunn
Marie Stanford
George Stanford
Anne Sidaway
MrsMargaretStonesMary Gracia Allport
MrsSaraStringerSandra Cliff
MrsCherylStuart-CookJohn Henry Beddoes
Dorothy Beryl Beddoes
MrAndrewStylianouDespina Stylianou
MrsCarolSummersBill & Mary
MrChristopherSwaithesDavid Swaithes
The Dillard Family
The Swaithes Family
MsSheenaTandyShirley Tandy
MrsBTaylorPaul Darren Wallis
MrsHelenTaylorMildred Taylor
Reg Taylor
MrSteveTaylorIris Humphrey
MsJaneTaylorRaymond Taylor
MsSallyTaylorJean Johnson
MrJohnTennantNancy Tennent
Ted Tennent
Bob Tennent
MrDTerryRichard Paul Terry
MrsHannahThomasMary Tipton
Trevor Tipton
MrsJ DThomasArwyn Thomas
MrsFrancesThompsonFrank & Maggie Hughes
MrsMargaretTiptonRaymond Tipton
MsNicolaTolenGail Sharpe
MissNormaTrevisMarilyn Margaret Priest
MrsJeanTriceRobert Evans
MrsValerieTromansJanet Rudge
Vernon Rudge
Lily May Rudge
Joseph Kelly
Irene Kelly
Kath Taylor
Florence Thompson
MissGillTurbeyfieldJoan Turbeyfield
Arthur Turbeyfield
MrsDoreenTurleyLeonard George Turley
MrGrahamTurnerGillian Turner
MrsAngelaTurnerPaul Turner
MrsMaryTurnerBrian Turner
MrsSandraTurnerMichael John Turner
MrStephenTurveySydney & Muriel Hitchman
Joan & Dennis Turvey
MrsJuneUpperdineGeoffrey D Upperdine
MrsGretaVaughanAnthony Vaughan
MsNicolaWadeAdrian Wade
John Wade
Ann Wade
MissKWakemanJosephine Wakeman
MrAndrewWakemanJohn Robert Wakeman
Rex Wakeman
Ethel Wakeman
MrJ MWalfordYvonne Walford
MrDWallJune Dawn Wall
MrsBarbaraWallFrank Wall
Maud Lawton
MrsCynthiaWallJeffrey Thomas Wall
MrsGeorginaWallisKeith Spencer
Carol Barber
Barbara Rand
MsEmilyWattisEileen Watkin
MrsLilianWeaverRonald Weaver
MrAlanWebbThe Lowe Family
The Webb Family
MrsDWebbRobert Renwicks
MrVictorWebberJill Webber
MsJudeWebberLisa Howe
Jill Webber
MsLindaWelsherReg & Peg Welsher
MrsC PWestwoodRoy Stanton
MrDavidWheatleyJoan & Fred Prosser
Emily & Albert Wheatley
MrsEWheelerMathew David Kelly
MissAWhiteGladys White
MrChrisWhiteKatherine Louise White
Katherine Louise White
MrsAnne-LouiseWhitehouseGeoff Whitehouse
Joanne Lowe
Gail Pearson
Tracey Hollyoak
MrsGretaWhitehouseJohn Whitehouse
MrsLindaWhitehouseMary & Wilfred Cox
Kathleen & Harold Whitehouse
Jean & Clive Hutt
MrsCherylWhittleAdam Earp
MrsDWilkesFred Wilkes
Pauline Timmins
MrMattWillettsElizabeth Willetts
MrsJoyceWillettsWilfred Willetts
MrPaulWilliamsPatricia Williams
Benjamin Williams
MrsJudithWilliamsCharles Lilley
Edith Lilley
Brian Lilley
MrsThelmaWilliamsRonald & Marion Ceney
Roland & Teresa Williams
Norah Ceney
Graham Ceney
Kath & Wendy Dean
John Hadley
MrsV EWilliamsJohn Williams
MrsVanessaWilliamsHarry Cahill
Alun Williams
MrsBWintersAnthony Pitchers
Nicholas Wood
Linda Cross
MrsArleneWinwoodAnthony Winwood
MrVWithersMrs Rita Withers
MrsJWithersClive Withers
MrRobertWoodSheila Ann Wood
Robert John Wood
MrsAngelaWoodRaymond Webb
Ivy Webb
MrsKWoodFrazer Morgan
Alan Wood
Eric Wood
Bob Forster
MrsSusanWoodGina Morris
Jasbir Dhillon
MrsSusanWooldridgeBill & Hetty Pick
Fred & Joan Wooldridge
MrKWorkmanPatricia Ann Workman
MrsMaggieWyattTony Wyatt

Thank you to our kind sponsors Dudley Building Society