Bumper Christmas cards sales provide vital boost to charity
You lot, our wonderful local community, have raised nearly £21,000 buying Christmas cards to support us here at the Hospice!
The cards were available at each of the Hospice’s 20 charity shops across the region, as well as at the main Hospice building on the Hagley Road in Stourbridge, in a range of 16 different festive designs.
In total, approximately 7500 packs of cards were sold, providing a huge boost to the charity to start 2017.
Debbie Haynes, Trading Manager, Mary Stevens Hospice Group said:
“We had a bumper year again with the Christmas cards raising nearly £21,000, all designs were very popular especially the Chubby Robin and Christmas at the Flower Shop.
All our outlets, including the Hospice itself, sold a great amount and we would like to thank all of our supporters and customers for helping us to achieve this.”
In order to provide our care to the local community, we have to raise £2.8 million every single year, with just 18% of their funding provided by the government.
However, in 2017 the guys down in our fundraising office are charged with raising an additional £3 million in order to pay for the necessary expansion and regeneration of the Bradbury Day Services Unit, as the Hospice is now running at 100% capacity every single day.
To find out more about the charity shops the Hospice has across the region, please visit www.marystevenshospice.co.uk/get-involved/our-shops
To support the £3 million capital appeal, please visit www.givepenny.com/msh-capital-appeal
Thank you all so much!